Friday Freewrite: Background
Freewriting is that wonderful key that unlocks the writer within.
Today’s writing prompt:
If someone took a photograph of you freewriting right now, what would they see in the background? Describe in detail what (or who!) is behind you.
Share your child’s freewrite in the comments if you’d like! (Or feel free to share your freewrite too!)
New to freewriting?
Freewriting is the vehicle by which we trick our inner selves into expressing the words and ideas that we want to share but are afraid won’t come out right on paper if we do. So, read the freewriting prompt, set the timer for 5-10 minutes then have your child write whatever comes to mind. We invite you to freewrite too, at the same time as your kids. Just keep the pencil moving until “ding”—when the timer rings!
Need more help? Check out our free online guide.
Here's from my son today. He decided to take a narrative approach with it and personified all of the things that were sitting out on the counter behind him!
"Silly Boy Stories: The Fight"
The Berkey filter sat atop its perch next to the cup.
"Hah, it's a shame. Without ME, you would be nothing," said the light-up cup.
"Alas, but it isn't YOU who is not but a lamp without me?" inquired the Berkey.
"Neither of you would be of use without me!" the tap proclaimed.
"Enough! None of you would do much without US!" exclaimed the counter and the drawers.
While this was happening, the table was getting quite annoyed.
"Shut it, you all! Can't you see that I am the best?!" shouted the table.
"Table, your ideas are misled! For I am the best!" injected the ice maker.
While this was happening, the fruits and root plants were getting their own ideas.
"Orange, I think that I am THE best!" said the pumpkin.
"Pumpkin, you're not often used. I, however, am taken every day!"
"No, for I a--"
"OOOOOK I'm DONE!" said the writer.
And after that, they never fought.